Public Relations continues to evolve as consumers/stakeholders increasingly
Take control on instantly accessible worldwide communication channels, and organisations rely less and less on newspapers and traditional media to disseminate information.
Influenced by the fast-paced world in which we live, public relations (PR) is rapidly evolving through the use of emerging social communication media and technology. This specialist Masters course is designed to give practitioners the skills and ability to think creatively and adopt the latest tools in modern marketing campaigns.
A key feature of modern marketing is the decline of mass communication in favor of multiple person-to-person networks and mobile messenger apps such as WhatsApp. Sitting alongside traditional PR tools, social networks and blog sites are now part of the PR practitioner’s toolkit. This course will expose you to the challenges at the forefront of modern PR and enhance your ability to manage brand and corporate identity effectively.
You will explore the radical shift in PR, as traditional channels such as advertising and sales promotion have changed. The course will further develop your understanding of word-of-mouth marketing, including social networks and the growing popularity of photo and video sharing sites. From Facebook and Twitter to YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram, you will challenge traditional methods and the contemporary thinking associated with marketing and stakeholder communications. The course will also cover the importance of brand reputation and the growing demand for essential skills in crisis management, and enhance your knowledge and understanding of the role PR plays in modern politics.
What you will study:
You will explore the radical shift in PR, as traditional channels such as advertising and sales promotion have changed. The course will further develop your understanding of word-of-mouth marketing, including social networks and the growing popularity of photo and video sharing sites. From Facebook and Twitter to YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram, you will challenge traditional methods and the contemporary thinking associated with marketing and stakeholder communications. The course will also cover the importance of brand reputation and the growing demand for essential skills in crisis management, and enhance your knowledge and understanding of the role PR plays in modern politics.
Modules of study include:
PR Concepts and Practice: An introductory critique of key concepts and tools of modern PR practice and implementation. On this module, you’ll examine the theoretical underpinnings of the subject by exploring how PR is utilized to influence issues within society, industry and the environment.
Brands and Reputation Management: A critique of the key theoretical underpinning surrounding the consumption, construction and reputation management of brands – a key responsibility for modern PR practitioners.
New Media Communications:Â A critical examination of the nature, potential, and challenges presented by traditional and emerging media for organizations and PR practitioners.
Customer Centrality: An introductory critique to the concept of customer centrality as a guiding and underlining organizational principle of developing a marketing orientation. Studying this module you’ll explore the changing nature and focus of contemporary marketing management, identifying elements of the debate within your own experiences as a consumer and stakeholder.
Developing the Professional:Â The development of skills required by employers operating in the contemporary business and management sector.
Management Theories and Philosophies:Â Critically evaluates the development of management theories and philosophies as a field of study.
Business Functions and Processes:Â Recognize the individual and business functions that constitute an organization. You will critically analyse the issues involved in implementing strategic decisions and the difficulties of monitoring and controlling those decisions.
Research Methods:Â Develop your understanding and skills of research in a management and/or professional development context, focusing on a critical review of research methodologies and methods.
Dissertation Project:Â An introduction to the intellectual and scholarly requirements of producing an extended piece of written postgraduate research.